On 13/6/2013 10:54 πμ, Chris Angelico wrote:
On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 4:49 PM, �������� ������ <supp...@superhost.gr> wrote:
Steven, i can create a normal user account for you and copy files.py into
your home folder if you want to take a look from within.

At least you're not offering root access any more. But are you aware
that most of your users' files are world-readable? And are you aware
of what that means?

I host no "e-shop" websites, hence into my system there is no credit card info stored, no id photos, no SSN, nothing.

Now i checked and most are Joomla files or sites made by DreamWeaver.
and they are 755, that would mean group and word readable, *not* writable, so no harm can possibly come out of this.

And even if something could happen, i strongly believe Steven would not do it as he is almost(there are others too bu not so frequent and detailed helpers) the only one that in fact helps me with my questions and i'm seriously considering of paying him to turn my cgi scripts to python web frameworks(perhaps 'webpy'), since Django must be an overkill for my case, wouldn't do any harm.

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