
> Steven, i can create a normal user account for you and copy files.py into
> your home folder if you want to take a look from within.

Nikos, please, DO NOT DO THIS.

It must be clear to you that Steven is *much* more experienced than
you. Your presumptions about what he can and can't do with the access
you give him are therefore not much more than uninformed guesswork.

You have already been give a lesson about trusting the care of your
(and by extension your clients) resources to people you don't know,
and Chris, who gave you that lesson, is telling you that the course of
action you propose is unwise.

Steven has given every impression, over a long period, of being one of
the good guys, but *you don't know him*, and *you don't have any kind
of legal agreement with him* that would protect you should he turn out
to be malicious[1].

Given what's already happened to you, it would be the height of
irresponsibility to continue as you propose. If I were one of your
clients and I found out about it, I'd be seriously considering legal
action against you for gross negligence.


[1] Steven, I don't intend any insinuations about your character, as
I'm sure you realise.

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