On 2013-06-13, ???????????????? ???????????? <supp...@superhost.gr> wrote:
> On 13/6/2013 5:16 ????, Zero Piraeus wrote:
>> :
>>> Steven, i can create a normal user account for you and copy files.py into
>>> your home folder if you want to take a look from within.
>> Nikos, please, DO NOT DO THIS.
>> It must be clear to you that Steven is *much* more experienced than
>> you. Your presumptions about what he can and can't do with the access
>> you give him are therefore not much more than uninformed guesswork.
> But iam not offering Steven full root access, but restricted user
> level access.

That's what you _think_ you're offering.

Unless you're are a very careful, very experienced system admin -- and
you're also lucky -- you're probably wrong.  If not now, then you'll
be wrong next week or next month when a new privelege elevation
exploit is discovered for your OS.

> Are you implying that for example one could elevate his privileges to
> root level access form within a normal restricted user account?

Yes, that's what he's implying.

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! I'm thinking about
                                  at               DIGITAL READ-OUT systems
                              gmail.com            and computer-generated
                                                   IMAGE FORMATIONS ...

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