On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 10:02 PM, Anssi Saari <a...@sci.fi> wrote:
> Chris Angelico <ros...@gmail.com> writes:
>> I have tab completion. Beat that, GUI.
> Decent GUIs *have* tab completion. Bad GUIs don't.
> Oh wait. Is a GUI with tab completion a GUI at all or more of a weird
> ass hybrid? What about a CLI that pops up a menu for completions?

Hmm. Not sure what you mean there. The nearest I can think of is the
way the file dialog (under Debian Wheezy + Xfce + SciTE; no idea who's
responsible, probably Xfce) will fill in directory components as I
type. But that's functioning almost exclusively as CLI style; I type
in parts of the path and it does things. To take advantage of tab
completion, I ignore the GUI-style of "point to the thing you want and
click". There's no real way for point-and-click to work with tab


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