On 14Jun2013 20:12, Dennis Lee Bieber <wlfr...@ix.netcom.com> wrote:
| [...] PowerShell has been
| available as a download on WinXP and standard on Win7 [PS 3 is a
| download for Win7, stock on real Win8].
|       While I'm not fluent in it, there are some commands I've gotten
| rather engrained...
| get-childitem -recurse -filter "*.ad*" | select-string -pattern "with"
| finds all the Ada (GNAT convention .ads/.adb) files containing "with"
| statements. And pattern probably is a regex so I could fine tune it to
| just the package withs by using a start of line marker...


  find . -name '*.ad*' | xargs grep with

on almost any UNIX system. There's any number of variations on that
depending on exactly what you want. I'm not going to get sucked
into a UNIX/Windows bickerfest here, but your PowerShell example
isn't winning me over. Sound like they reinvented the wheel. Again,
years later:-(

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>

Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
        - Henry Spencer @ U of Toronto Zoology, he...@zoo.toronto.edu

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