On Jun 14, 11:03 pm, Antoon Pardon <antoon.par...@rece.vub.ac.be>
> Op 14-06-13 18:09, Steven D'Aprano schreef:
> > On Fri, 14 Jun 2013 11:14:16 +0100, Robert Kern wrote:
> >> On 2013-06-14 10:50, Nick the Gr33k wrote:
> > [snip question]
> >>> This is all iw ant to know.
> >> This is all you need to read:
> >>    http://docs.python.org/2/reference/expressions.html#boolean-
> > operations
> > Thank you Robert for contributing a helpful response.
> > To everyone else... I know that Nikos' posts are draining. Sometimes he
> > brings me to the brink of despair too. But if you aren't part of the
> > solution, you are part of the problem: writing short-tempered, insulting
> > posts after short-tempered, insulting post doesn't teach him, it just
> > adds to EVERYBODY'S frustration with this never-ending serious of threads.
> That depends on your view. Maybe there are people who view you as part
> of the problem because you keep giving Nikos hope other people will
> solve his problems without him having to do anything significant himself.
> > Please keep the snarky comments offlist. Contribute something helpful if
> > you like, mute the thread or killfile Nikos if you must, but adding to
> > the volume of unproductive junk doesn't do anyone any favour.
> In my opinion the only really helpful thing would be to ignore nikos. He
> has been given plenty or links, to read through in order to better his
> understanding and i think it is about time people made it clear they
> would no longer spoon feed him. Since that is probably not going to
> happen and you will probably continue contributing to the annoyance
> of other list members by continuing "helping" nikos, I don'y see why
> other can't continue to the annoyance in a away that they themselves may
> find somewhat amusing.
> --
> Antoon Pardon.

Thanks Antoon.
You are echoing the sentiments of probably hundreds of list

That said I would like to add a few points.
1. Beginning teachers (and young parents) are taught that one never
should say: "You are a bad boy!" but rather "THIS behavior wont do"
That nikos behavior is unacceptable has been reiterated by dozens of
members in 100s of posts.  That does not mean Nikos the person is
unacceptable.  We should always give him the room to change if/when he
chooses to.

2. The recent responses from Robert Kern are in my view the ideal. In
summary it runs thus:
Stupid question no. 6457 from Nikos: ...
Robert : Look this up <link>
Nikos: I dont understand
Robert: <Link> explains
Robert: <Link> explains (repeated as often as needed)

When (if) finally Nikos actually reads the link and asks a more
specific/intelligent question, <link> can be replaced by more specific

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