On 14 June 2013 19:37, rusi <rustompm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2. The recent responses from Robert Kern are in my view the ideal. In
> summary it runs thus:
> Stupid question no. 6457 from Nikos: ...
> Robert : Look this up <link>
> Nikos: I dont understand
> Robert: <Link> explains
> Robert: <Link> explains (repeated as often as needed)
> When (if) finally Nikos actually reads the link and asks a more
> specific/intelligent question, <link> can be replaced by more specific
> <link'>


Please, everyone else, just do this. This will calm the beast, I
assure you, at least somewhat. If you're worried about not being
"helpful", don't - this is as much help as ever. It's just it takes
less time, and a *lot* less space.

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