Στις 5/9/2013 1:33 μμ, ο/η Dave Angel έγραψε:
On 5/9/2013 05:36, Ferrous Cranus wrote:

ni...@superhost.gr [~]# cat /tmp/err.out
sendmail =>  13-09-05 12:20:53 (<class 'TypeError'>,
TypeError("sendmail() missing 2 required positional arguments:
'to_addrs' and 'msg'",), <traceback object at 0x7f3fb4f44488>)
ni...@superhost.gr [~]#

but all of the needed args are within MESSAGE.
Cant it take it from there?

Do you know how to find a link like this?


is there way to alter tha FROM field to the one used in the webform by the visitor?

GMail adds the Sender by default is there some other service that doesn't and use the FROM field?

Webhost <http://superhost.gr>

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