Στις 5/9/2013 4:29 μμ, ο/η feedthetr...@gmx.de έγραψε:
uses DoveCot as enaled mail server but i have no idea how to
setip up to work.
i cannot connect to it via my python script.
OK, I should have been more exact:
To send mails you need a "smtp-server" (MTA - Mail Transfer Agent, Message 
Transport Agent) like postfix, exim, sendmail, ...

DoveCot is good for "reading" mail (="mailbox management", "pop3(s)", 
"imap(s)"). You cannot send mails using DoveCot. (You can use a WebMailService to access DoveCot for reading 
and a MTA for sending mails.)

So you have to find out, which MTA you installed (you have root access, don't 
you) and configure it.

But this is (like so often) becoming extremely offtopic.

i as root just inatslled

sendmail and mailx. i have edited the ~/.mailrc to use:

ni...@superhost.gr [~/www/cgi-bin]# cat ~/.mailrc
account gmail {
set smtp-use-starttls
set smtp=smtp://smtp.gmail.com:587
set smtp-auth=login
set smtp-auth-user=may)gmail
set smtp-auth-password=my_gmail_pass_not_stupid_enough_to_wite _it_again

And now i'm trying  to:

cmd = "echo %s | mailx -A gmail -r %s -s %s %s" % (MESSAGE, FROM, SUBJECT, TO)
p=subprocess.Popen( cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE )
output, errors = p.communicate()
print( errors, output )

Any ideas please why this fails to work?
while i remove the '-A gmail' string in the cmd line then i can send fast mail but only to mail containing the @superhost.gr trail.

i need to be eble to send to external mails to.

Webhost <http://superhost.gr>

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