On 17/10/2013 17:43, Paul Pittlerson wrote:
What we need to do is A) Prove that we are not sexist and racist by
excluding and intolerating people who do not agree with. B) Head on
over to the Ruby mailing list and make a thread called "Hey guys we
are the python people, and can you learn to behave, ok plz?" wherein
we detail to them what we think they are doing wrong and how we, in
our superior moral judgment, think they ought to improve themselves,
that'll teach them not to be sexist and racist alright.

I think that is what OP is suggesting we do, if it's not then I
really don't know what it is.

I've sometimes been curious why programming in general, and python
included is a male dominated field, well I'm glad that OP has figured
out it's just because we scare all the women away with our overt
sexism and racism naming conventions.

It's interesting to note that, in the early days, programming was
thought to be a suitable job for a woman because, after all, it
involved typing, so basically it was just clerical activity!

Great thread, just great.


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