On 10/17/2013 01:57 PM, Ned Batchelder wrote:

Read and listen more.  Write and say less.

Mark Janssen has no interest in learning.  From a thread long-ago:

Mark Janssen wrote:
Ethan Furman wrote:
Mark Janssen wrote:


--> int="five"
--> [int(i) for i in ["1","2","3"]]

TypeError:  str is not callable

Now how are you going to get the original int type back?

Mark Janssen, you would increase your credibility if you actually *learned*

Thank you, I actually knew it and was feigning ignorance for a good
reason -- where is this magical "assignment stack" which remembers
what int was originally bound to after I rebound it myself?

As you can see, if caught out he claims he was feigning ignorance, but then 
immediately shows the ignorance is real.

I take some solace in him not being a profane troll, as some in the past have 


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