On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 9:30 PM, Nick the Gr33k <nikos.gr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Στις 25/10/2013 11:46 πμ, ο/η Νίκος Αλεξόπουλος έγραψε:
>> Trace your logs. You've been told this before; are you sure the
>> request is even getting to your server?
> what do you mean by that Chris? please be more specific.

These are not Python questions. Google is your friend. Look at the web
development/debugging tools you have available, look into TCP tracing
(tcpdump, etc), look at your web server's logs, look at physics, look
at all you can think of. [1] That is as specific as I am going to be
on this list.


[1] Don't cry, or you won't be good for anything when the feast comes!

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