On 2013-11-12 14:27, lrwarre...@gmail.com wrote:
>     if int(raw_input()) == 1:
>             print "Moving north"
>             y = y + 1
>     elif int(raw_input()) == 2:
>             print "Moving east"
>             x = x + 1
>     elif int(raw_input()) == 3:
>             print "Moving south"
>             y = y - 1
>     elif int(raw_input()) == 4:
>             print "Moving west"
>             x = x - 1
>     elif int(raw_input()) == 5:
>             print "Dost thou leave so soon? Fare thee well!"
>             quitCommand = 5
>     else:
>             print "I find your lack of reading comprehension skills
> disturbing."

Note that you're asking for input with each comparison.  Best to get
the input once and store it in a variable before the "if" statement
and then do the comparisons against the same value.



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