On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 9:27 AM,  <lrwarre...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm not quite sure what you mean by that. it was on that pastebin link. I'll 
> post it again here though. it's no longer than half a page.

Inline means what you did in this post. Out-of-line means providing us
with a link to where the code is.

This forum isn't just a Google Groups web-based discussion group; it's
primarily a newsgroup (comp.lang.python) and an email address
(python-list@python.org). Both of those can be read by people who
don't have internet access, so putting your code in an http link might
prevent them from reading it. Also, the group/list gets archived all
over the place, and there's no guarantee that pastebin will still be
around a hundred years from now. It's an unnecessary dependency, which
inline code doesn't have. That's why posting right here is the safe
option :)

Two general comments. Firstly, you're using Python 2 here. Is there a
reason for that? If you possibly can, switch to Python 3. All sorts of
things have been improved, and the gap is only going to widen - there
won't be a Python 2.8, and subsequent 2.7.x releases are bugfixes and
security patches only. All the new shinies are in 3.x. And secondly,
please PLEASE avoid Google Groups; your quoted text is ugly and
annoying, and your own text isn't wrapped. Check this out, and
preferably, find an alternative means of posting:



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