On Wed, 20 Nov 2013 18:09:42 +0000, Mark Lawrence defended his reference 
to Nazism:

>>> It's an excellent analogy that I've used before, hence the smiley.
>>> Clearly you don't do any research before bothering to say anything.

I for one *have* done extensive research on the Nazis, not to a 
professional academic standard, but certainly to the point where I like 
to flatter myself that I know a thing or two about them, their political 
philosophy, and their actions. I must say that your analogy "multiple 
postings to a newsgroup implies Nazi" perplexes me too.

> I suggest that you write to the BBC and get all episodes of the
> extremely popular *COMEDY* "Dad's Army" withdrawn as "typical shabby
> Nazi trick" was one of Captain Mainwearing's main lines.

I fully support the right of everyone to make cryptic references to 
movies, television shows, science fiction and fantasy novels, internet 
memes, and assorted pop culture references. Offler knows I've done it 
myself. But, if the reference falls flat, or worse is misunderstood, and 
sometimes they will, can I suggest there are two appropriate responses?

1) Sheepish apology for making a reference too obscure, e.g.:

    Oh, sorry, I was quoting Captain Mainwearing's catchphrase 
    from "Dad's Army", it isn't intended to imply that Alister is
    an actual goose-stepping fascist who believes a lot of racial
    pseudo-scientific rubbish.

2) Incredulity that anyone might have missed the reference, e.g.:

   What? How can anyone not recognise that reference? Everyone I 
   know in the UK over the age of 60 loves the show "Dad's Army"!
   This is one of the funniest lines from it! Oh how me dear ol'
   mum used to laugh every time Captain Mainwearing said it!

(Listen very carefully, I shall say this only once. I'm more of a 'Ello 
'Ello person myself.)

> And if I want
> to overreact, I'll overreact, as I couldn't care two hoots whether I'm
> dealing with an arsehole from the Python Software Foundation or one
> who's not.

This, however, is very rarely an appropriate response for anyone over the 
age of two.


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