On 21/11/2013 00:27, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
On Wed, 20 Nov 2013 18:09:42 +0000, Mark Lawrence defended his reference
to Nazism:

It's an excellent analogy that I've used before, hence the smiley.
Clearly you don't do any research before bothering to say anything.

I for one *have* done extensive research on the Nazis, not to a
professional academic standard, but certainly to the point where I like
to flatter myself that I know a thing or two about them, their political
philosophy, and their actions. I must say that your analogy "multiple
postings to a newsgroup implies Nazi" perplexes me too.


The Nazis were known for many bad things, but multiple postings wasn't
one of them. (Nor spam, now I think about it...)


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