On 2013-11-27 08:16, Antoon Pardon wrote:
Op 26-11-13 22:42, Tim Delaney schreef:
On 27 November 2013 03:57, Antoon Pardon <antoon.par...@rece.vub.ac.be
<mailto:antoon.par...@rece.vub.ac.be>> wrote:

     So I can now ask my questions in dutch and expect others to try and
     understand me instead of me asking them in english? Or can I use
     literal translations of dutch idioms even if I suspect that such
     a literal translation could be misunderstood and even be insulting?

1. No, because this is stated to be an English-speaking list/newsgroup.
It just doesn't specify what dialect of English.

Well so much for this group being an international group with only one
language allowed.

However that second sentence doesn't make much sense to me. Modern
languages contain a subset that is called the standard language.

Linguists would disagree.

Yes I accept that everyone deviates from this standard language and that
it isn't always easy to know what is and what is not within the standard
language and that we should allow each other some leeway.

Incorrect. No dialect "deviates" from a "standard" form of that language. Everyone speaks a dialect. The privilege given to any particular dialect has nothing to do with the form of the dialect itself and everything to do with the sociopolitical history of its speakers. None of that is relevant to speaking comprehensibly in an international environment.

Robert Kern

"I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth."
  -- Umberto Eco


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