On 09/12/2013 00:08, ru...@yahoo.com wrote:
On 12/08/2013 12:17 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:
On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 6:06 AM,  <rafaella...@gmail.com> wrote:>[...]
Also, your posts are acquiring the slimy stain of Google Groups, which
makes them rather distasteful. All your replies are getting
double-spaced, among other problems. Please consider switching to an
alternative newsgroup reader, or subscribing to the mailing list:

To the OP:

First, my apologies if my reply ends up trashing your
discussion here, but you should know what is behind Mr.
Angelico's response.

For some time now the Google Group Wars are being fought
in this group.

There is a (probably very small) clique of Google haters
who try present themselves as "the community" and who try
to intimidate anyone posting from Google Groups into using
some other means of posting, completely disregarding the
fact that for many new people or occasional posters, Google
Groups is an order of magnitude easier to use.  These people
are extremely noisy and obnoxious but *do not* represent
"the community" except in their own minds.  I suspect many
of them are motivated by political dislike of Google as
a corporation, or want to stay with the 1990's technology
they invested time in learning and don't want see change.

I and many other people post here from Google Groups and
you should feel free to too if it is more convenient for
you.  (Of course you can also use the maillist or usenet
if you find them a good solution for *you* but please don't
feel compelled to by some loud obnoxious bullies.)

As another poster pointed out, if you are able to follow
some of the advice at,


it will help quiet down the anti-Google crowd a little but
even if you don't, those without a Google chip on their shoulder
will simply skip your posts if they find the Google formatting
too annoying.  Most of us though will deal with it as adults
and try our best to answer your questions.

I just thought you should have both sides of the story so
to won't take the anti-Google crowd here as gospel.

To the OP, please ignore the above, it's sheer, unadulterated rubbish. Nobody has ever been bullied into doing anything. People have however been asked repeatedly to either A) use the link referenced above to avoid sending double spaced crap here from the inferior google groups product or B) use an alternative technology that doesn't send double spaced crap.

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence


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