Steven D'Aprano <>:

> Marko Rauhamaa wrote:
>> When you start emacs, it advises you to start the builtin tutorial.
> You need a tutorial for a text editor???
> If that's supposed to prove how easy Emacs is, you have failed
> miserably.

You see, I tend to read even the assembly instructions of Ikea furniture
and the user manual of a dryer.

More frustrating than having to read a well-thought-out manual is

 * not being able to accomplish something

 * not having any manual

For example, I never "got" Eclipse despite having to use it for two

>> That's how I learned it in the 1980's and didn't experience any
>> learning curve.
> No learning curve at all? That means one of two things:
> - either you *instantly* intuited every single Emacs feature the
> moment you started the application; or

No, I just worked through the tutorial. It was fascinating and only took
a couple of hours IIRC. That's the way learned almost everything
(including Python).

> I just started up emacs, [...]
> Well, that's just bizarre.

I'm not making you use emacs, you know.


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