Hi Steven,

I agree with all you said.

Am 23.08.14 16:56, schrieb Steven D'Aprano:
Christian Gollwitzer wrote:
There are ways to put these editors into Beginner's mode, for vim there
is "evim", and for sure emacs has something similar, where the editor
behaves more like you expect. In evim, this means you can't go to
command mode, and you need to use the menus and toolbars to save/load
text. But if you do that, you also loose the functionality that comes
from the command mode - it's actually better to recommend Notepad++ or

I'm especially annoyed and/or amused by the tendency of many people to
assume that there are only three editors: Emacs, Vim (one of which is used
by all right-thinking people, the other being sent by the Devil to tempt us
from righteousness) and Notepad (which is used only by the most primitive,
deprived savages who are barely capable of bashing out "Hello World" using
one finger).

Just in case that was misleading: Notepad++ is a different editor than Notepad:


This one I actually recommend to people on Windows, who ask me, which editor should they use.


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