Am 23.08.14 16:19, schrieb Joshua Landau:
(Since this is already an editor war...)

On 23 August 2014 10:41, Christian Gollwitzer <> wrote:
Sometimes I impress my colleagues with what they call "magic", i.e. creating
special repeated lists of numbers by a few keystrokes in gvim, and that has
triggered the request from them to learn a bit of (g)vim.

I have yet to be truly impressed by Vim, in that Sublime Text with a
few extensions seems to do the same things just as easily. I find that
Vim and Emacs users consistently underrate the powers of these
editors, presumably because they've never put nearly as much effort
into them as they have into their Vim or Emacs.

I never looked into Sublime, because it costs money. But no doubt it is a powerful editor, judging from comments of other people.

For example, to make a numbered list in (my) Sublime Text (fully
custom shortcuts ahead):

Alt-1 Alt-0 Alt-0   to repeat the next command 100 times

> [ ... some keystrokes ...]

Ctrl-Shift-q        to repeat macro

Compare with Vim:

I'd actually do this in gvim to put numbers at each line:

- Select text (by mouse, or v + cursor movements)
- ! awk '{print NR ". " $0}'

Yes, it is cheating, it pipes the selected text through an external tool. But why should I do the tedious exercise of constructing an editor macro, when an external tool like awk can do the same so much easier?


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