On Friday, October 24, 2014 11:17:53 AM UTC-7, Seymore4Head wrote:
> On Fri, 24 Oct 2014 11:52:15 -0600, Ian Kelly <ian.g.ke...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >On Fri, Oct 24, 2014 at 11:03 AM, Seymore4Head
> ><Seymore4Head@hotmail.invalid> wrote:
> >> Actually I was a little frustrated when I added that line back in as
> >> the other lines all work.
> >> Using list(range(10)) Doesn't throw an error but it doesn't work.
> >>
> >> http://i.imgur.com/DTc5zoL.jpg
> >>
> >> The interpreter.   I don't know how to use that either.
> >
> >Try both of these in the interpreter, and observe the difference:
> >
> >7 in range(10)
> >
> >"7" in range(10)
> >
> >Do you understand what the difference between 7 and "7" is?
> I do understand that.  7 is a number and "7" is a string.
> What my question was...and still is...is why
> Python 3 fails when I try using
> y=1 800 get charter
> y in range str(range(10))
> should work because y is a string and str(range(10)) should be
> "y" in str(1) fails.
> It doesn't give an error it's just not True when y is a number.
> These hints are just not working.  I am too thick for hints. :)
> If you could use it in the code, I might understand.
> The other work arounds that were posted work.
> I have used them.  str(range(10)) doesn't work.
> import string
> def nametonumber(name):
>     lst=[]
>     nx=[]
>     digit=[]
>     digit="".join(str(i) for i in range(10))
>     for x in name:
>         lst.append(x)
>     for y in (lst):
>         if y in list(range(1,10)):
>         #if y in "1234567890":
>         #if y.isdigit():
>         #if y in digit:       
>         #if y in string.digits:
>             nx.append(y)
>         if y in " -()":
>             nx.append(y)
>         if y in "abc":
>             nx.append("2")
>         if y in "def":
>             nx.append("3")
>         if y in "ghi":
>             nx.append("4")
>         if y in "jkl":
>             nx.append("5")
>         if y in "mno":
>             nx.append("6")
>         if y in "pqrs":
>             nx.append("7")
>         if y in "tuv":
>             nx.append("8")
>         if y in "wxyz":
>             nx.append("9")
>     number="".join(e for e in nx)
>     return number
> a="1-800-getcharter"
> print (nametonumber(a))#1800 438 2427 837
> a="1-800-leo laporte"
> print (nametonumber(a))
> a="1 800 dialaho"
> print (nametonumber(a))
> Please

Your code here is actually pretty close to a correct answer.  Just a few things 
to consider...

- Why are you converting your name string to a list?  It is unnecessary.  When 
you do "for y in <some string>", then y will still be single characters on each 
iteration of the loop.

- "if y in string.digits" should work fine.

- "if y in list(range(1,10)" won't work for two reasons: First, it creates a 
list of numbers, not strings.  Second, even if it did, it would be missing the 
"0" digit.

- At the end, when you convert your list to a string, you don't need to use 
list comprehension, since nx is already a list.  number = "".join(nx) should 
work fine.

Also, in general, you need to stop and slow down and think like a programmer.  
If you get an error, your instinct shouldn't be to just hack at it to make the 
error go away.  Look at the error and try to make sense of it.  Learn what the 
error means and try to fix the core problem.

And for @#$%'s sake...stop saying "It isn't working" and not elaborating.  
You've been told by every other post in this thread to show us what you did and 
what the error was.  You've also been told to *NOT* retype what you see and to 
copy/paste your code and the error because when you make a typo when copying, 
we might see a problem that doesn't exist and then you just get more confused.

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