On Friday, May 8, 2015 at 10:40:46 AM UTC-5, Tommy C wrote:
> I'm trying to apply OOP in this bouncing ball code in order to have multiple 
> balls bouncing around the screen. The objective of this code is to create a 
> method called settings, which controls all the settings for the screen and 
> the bouncing behaviour of multiple balls, under the class Ball. However, I 
> keep on getting errors related to attributes (e.g., speed). I'm new to OOP in 
> Python so your help will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

You are making a error that few in the programming community have caught up to. 
 OOP design for *data abstraction* is a completely different beast that OOP for 
*simulation*.  The confusion is around the use of the word "object" which both 
denotes a physical world item and a virtual one detached from reality.

I would say that Python might not be the right fit, but instead a language 
dedicated to simulation.


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