On 7/17/2015 3:45 PM, Terry Reedy wrote:

Now my question for you or anyone else: If the vast majority of Python
programmers are focused on 2.7,

I consider myself in this group.

why are volunteers to help fix 2.7 bugs so scarce?

perhaps the bugs that are show stoppers are providing the impetus to move forward to 3.x rather than fix? This may be an argument to stop back-porting fixes. (security bugs being the exception)

Does they all consider it perfect (or sufficient) as is?

I have a number of one-off projects in place and running without issues on python versions all the way back to probably 1.52 (it's turtles all the way down) In all cases, the python version is perfect (or sufficient) as it sits. I do continue to support the applications and find myself writing mostly in some common core level of 2.x.

Should the core developers who do not personally use 2.7 stop
backporting, because no one cares if they do?

That'd work for me. I'm not looking to upgrade the python versions of functioning productive code. Of course, neither are my customers looking to pay for me to f*ck^h^h^h^hupgrade up their non-buggy systems.



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