On 7/18/2015 10:33 PM, Devin Jeanpierre wrote:
On Sat, Jul 18, 2015 at 6:34 PM, Terry Reedy <tjre...@udel.edu> wrote:
On 7/18/2015 8:27 PM, Mark Lawrence wrote:
On 19/07/2015 00:36, Terry Reedy wrote:
Programmers don't much like doing maintainance work when they're paid to
do it, so why would they volunteer to do it?

Right.  So I am asking: if a 3.x user volunteers a 3.x patch and a 3.x core
developer reviews and edits the patch until it is ready to commit, why
should either of them volunteer to do a 2.7 backport that they will not use?

Because it helps even more people.

Writing another 3.x patch would also help other people and might be more 'fun'. That is the situation I am in with respect to Idle.

It gets really boring submitting 2.7-specific patches, though, when
they aren't accepted, and the committers have such a hostile attitude
towards it. I was told by core devs that, instead of fixing bugs in
Python 2, I should just rewrite my app in Python 3. It has even been
implied that bugs in Python 2 are *good*, because that might help with
Python 3 adoption.

Like Steven, I would be interested in specifics, though I do not disbelieve you. I do not believe those two attitudes are exactly official policy, and I may request more discussion of them on pydev.

Then even if you do the
work to fix *ANY* bug there is no guarantee that it gets committed.

I am discussing the situation where there *is* a near guarantee (if the
backport works and does not break anything and has not been so heavily
revised as to require a separate review).

That is not how I have experienced contribution to CPython.

I know. Some core developers are trying to revamp the issue-patch handling process to remove some of the busywork, use our time more efficiency, and make it work more smoothly for everyone.

But let me try again. I am discussing a situation where a core developer has either requested or already agreed to apply a 2.7 backport. I have seen such in the past, but maybe this is now rare.

I specifically would like to be able to request backports for Idle patches and get responses. When requested, I really would apply responses that worked. Really.

But I now realized that most people would rather write a patch, on their own schedule, for an issue that bugs them, and perhaps use it locally, even if rejected for the repository, than write a guaranteed patch 'right now for a issue of no interest to them (and which might require python knowledge they do not have).

If the issue was closed as fixed before I contributed the backported
patch, does anyone even see it?

Yes. All changes on as issue, including uploads, are emailed to all on the nosy list regardless of open/closed/... status. However, I would inquire first. "If I backport the committed bugfix to 2.7, would you apply it?"

Terry Jan Reedy


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