"mm0fmf" <n...@mailinator.com> wrote in message news:J5ctx.20800$IK6.11473@fx46.am4...
> Am I the only person thinking Troll?

Posted by E.D.G.   July 26, 2015

In my opinion, one of the most important aspects in considering the selection of a new programming language is the willingness of people posting notes to the language's newsgroup to be friendly and cooperative. And in that regard, I have found the Fortran people to be the best. I never encountered an unfriendly note in that newsgroup. Unfortunately, Fortran just "ran out of steam" when it came to Windows applications.

As far as I can recall, yours is only the second time I have encountered a Python newsgroup note that, in my opinion, did not have a friendly tone to it. And if that appears to be the general case here then all of the people with whom I work will just dump Python as a language to consider.

The Perl newsgroup is yet another matter. And we have all largely decided to abandon Perl as the language of choice because it has seemed to be so difficult to get any help in that newsgroup.




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