On 10/12/2015 12:08 PM, Michael Torrie wrote:

Also many Python editing environments do support basic completion.
However completion is actually very difficult to implement in a static
manner because Python is so dynamic.  I can import any standard library
module and rename it as needed.  Since some modules have longer names
that I don't want to always type and since importing all of a module's
symbols into the global namespace is really not a good idea, I might do
something like

import BeautifulSoup as bs

Now I can refer to any BeautifulSoup symbols using the prefix bs.  That
isn't impossible for an IDE to track, but it is harder.

That depends on whether autocompletion is name or object based. IDLE's is object based, so the following displays the contents of itertools the same as without the abbreviation.

>>> import itertools as it
>>> it.

Object-based in turn means that autocompletion does not work as well in the editor until the code *is* executed.

Terry Jan Reedy


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