Il giorno lunedì 12 ottobre 2015 10:51:50 UTC+2, John Michael Lafayette ha 
> Now that Python has static type checking and support for IDE auto-complete 
> (PEP 484?), I beg you to please use it. In your standard library, in your 
> production code, in everywhere. I cannot type without auto-complete. 
> I know that sounds ridiculous, but I have been coding on a daily basis for 
> the last four years and I cannot recall the last time I actually typed out a 
> variable or function name without auto-complete typing it for me. To me, 
> isn't "DatagramSocket". It is "Da" + Ctrl + Space + 
> Enter (auto complete). I literally memorized the number of characters I have 
> to type for auto-complete to guess the variable name and then I only type 
> that many characters. For me, typing without auto-complete is like doing 
> surgery with a kitchen knife. It's messy and error prone and I make lots of 
> mistakes and have to try twice as hard to remember the actual names of 
> variables instead of just whatever they start with. 
> You don't understand because you actually know what all the function names 
> are and you don't have to constantly hover over them in auto-complete and 
> pull up their documentation to figure out how to use them. But I do. And for 
> me, without auto-complete, the learning process goes from actively querying 
> the IDE for one documentation after another to having to minimize the IDE and 
> Google search for each and every function and module that I"m not familiar 
> with. Auto-complete literally cuts the learning time by more than half. 
> So please please please use PEP 484 to document all your standard library 
> functions. Not for static compilation. Not even for catching mistakes caused 
> by bad function input (although I like that). For Christ's sake, do it for 
> the auto-complete. I gave up on JavaScript in favor of TypeScript for a 
> reason god dammit.
> On Oct 11, 2015 3:45 PM, "Matt Wheeler" <> wrote:
> On 9 October 2015 at 17:26, John Michael Lafayette
> <> wrote:
> > I would like Python to have a strong typing feature that can co-exist with
> > the current dynamic typing system. Currently Python is like this:
> >
> >     var animal = Factory.make("dog")  # okay.
> >     var dog = Factory.make("dog")       # okay.
> >     var cat = Factory.make("dog")        # are you sure?
> >
> > I would like Python to also be able to also do this:
> >
> >     Animal a = Factory.make("dog")    # okay. Dog is Animal.
> >     Dog d = Factory.make("dog")         # okay. Dog is Dog.
> >     Cat c = Factory.make("cat")           # Runtime error. Dog is not Cat.
> Though it's intended for performance optimisation rather than simply
> static typing for static typing's sake, you could probably use Cython
> to achieve what you want...
> ...but then you might start to see the benefits of dynamic typing :)
> --
> Matt Wheeler

As far as I know the shell (if I can call it a shell) IPython has a sort of 
autocomplete. Given an object, after a dot if you type a tab it will give you 
the list of all the method that it can retrieve from the function dir(). 

geany, and spyder have also a sort of autocomplete.


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