Ben Finney wrote:

* The overwhelming majority of .NET and Java programmers would feel
  crippled without auto-complete. (assertion made by Sibylle)

An obvious resolution is to conclude that the
overwhelming majority of Java and .NET programmers cannot claim to
understand those technologies.

As a data point, I've been doing some fairly intensive
Java programming recently, and doing it in a very plain
text editor with no auto-completion at all.

While I do make a lot of use of docs during the process,
it's not so much to find out how a name is spelled, but
for higher-level things like which methods a class has,
or even which class I should be using in the first
place, and how to go about using it.

Also, once I've got the information needed for a
particular session paged into my brain, it usually stays
there at least for the rest of the session, so I'm not
having to constantly consult the docs for every little

So at least for me, it *is* possible to be productive
in Java without special editor support. In Python it's
even easier, due to the general smallness and consistency
of everything.


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