"Richard Damon"  wrote in message news:QHody.3724$bz5.3...@fx04.iad...

On 12/19/15 9:03 PM, Skybuck Flying wrote:

It could be usefull if the instruction pointer/return address that was
pushed onto the stack when the interrupt handler was called can be
modified by the interrupt handler so that when it returns the modified
instruction pointer is popped from the stack.

This would assume:

1. To be interrupted processor pushed it's own instruction pointer onto
the stack.
2. To be interrupted processor pops it's own instruction pointer from


It would be an unusual machine where you couldn't modify the return
address on the stack to change the address you return to.

This does make me wonder how Windows 7 terminates threads/processes/hanging applications.

Apperently there is some kind of mechanism for this.

Perhaps it's not fully exposed to application developers or perhaps in a somewhat more complex way via all kinds of APIs ?

An example of how to terminate threads/processes instantly on Windows 7 could be interesting.


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