On 2015-12-21, Dennis Lee Bieber <wlfr...@ix.netcom.com> wrote:
> On Mon, 21 Dec 2015 13:40:21 +0100, "Skybuck Flying"
><skybuck2...@hotmail.com> declaimed the following:
>>The original idea I posted is less about sending a signal to another 
>>It is more about how to break out of an instruction sequence.
>>Example of problem:
>>while Condition1 do
>>    while Condition2 do
>>    begin
>>        while Condition3 do
>>        begin
>>            Routine1
>>        end
>>    end;
>       I do hope this is the result of over simplification for the example, as
> otherwise I'd turn it into
> while C1 and  C2 and C3:
>       R1

That's not equivalent to what Skybuck posted.  Think about what
happens when Routine1 causes Condition1 and Condition2 to become false
but Condition3 remains true.

Not that this means that all rest of what Skyhawk posted makes any
sense at all.  I've spent a lot of time programming on "bare metal",
in assembly, Pascal, PL/M, and C (including using coroutines and
various other "multi-thread" constructs with no OS support), and I
really don't see the utility of his initial suggestion.

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! What a COINCIDENCE!
                                  at               I'm an authorized "SNOOTS
                              gmail.com            OF THE STARS" dealer!!

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