Should be easy to turn that somewhat pseudo code into python code ! :)

If it is so easy, why won't you do it?

Not sure why, I use SikuliX and it's kinda buggy and slow, and I also had little time, it's also pretty trivial and I doubt you guys will have a solution that will actually work, so it's time wasted most likely.

However I will not let the missing of code be an excuse for you guys and gals :) So here is the code.

It may also clearify some things cause some were already confused by the simple conditions it seems ! ;) :)

# Begin of Code

Condition1 = True
Condition2 = True
Condition3 = True
Condition4 = True
Condition5 = True
Condition6 = True
Condition7 = True

def Routine2():
print "Entering Routine2()"
global Condition6
global Condition7

while Condition6:
    while Condition7:
  print "routine 2: executing"

print "Leaving Routine2()"

def Routine1():
print "Entering Routine1()"
global Condition4
global Condition5

while Condition4:
 while Condition5:
print "Leaving Routine1()"

# main
print "Entering main loop"

while Condition1:
while Condition2:
 while Condition3:

print "Leaving main loop"

# End of Code


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