On Fri, Jan 1, 2016 at 2:03 PM,  <paul.hermeneu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is there a summary document that discusses the options examined and why
> others did not meet the requirements? I am -NOT- trying to dredge up
> arguments about the choice. I am guessing that there have been some.

Easiest would be to look through the archives of the core-workflow
mailing list: https://mail.python.org/pipermail/core-workflow/

> If this fact-based decision was based solely on the fact that the BDFL
> prefers GitHub, please just say so. It is clear that git is a capable tool.

There were three reasons given in Brett's decision message:

   1. No major distinguishing features between GitHub or GitLab

Note that GitHub and GitLab were the only proposals under
consideration; nobody else stepped up to champion any other solution.

   2. Familiarity amongst core devs -- and external contributors -- with GitHub
   3. Guido prefers GitHub

Guido repeatedly stated that his preference should not be taken into
account.  I believe Brett gave it little weight, but obviously it was
in his mind.


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