Terry Reedy <tjre...@udel.edu> writes:
> While the decision might not be my personal first choice, we
> absolutely need more core developers contributing, including reviewing
> contributed patches.

Yeah, I'm not delighted by the choice either, but as long as the core
devs have bought in and it doesn't affect non-core devs (occasional
contributors and bug reporters), then whatever.  

FWIW, Scaleway has a 1-click (well, several clicks) Gitlab installer:


It launches a 3 euro/month ARM dedicated server and deploys Gitlab on

I haven't used Gitlab yet but have been using Gogs (gogs.io) a little.
It's a lighter-weight Github-like thing written in Go, that however is
still missing some important features like pull requests.  I like it
though.  It runs nicely on cheap VPS where Gitlab is a resource hog.

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