No, that's not a typo, it's the name of a package I created. :)

The problems I have with python's import system are detailed in the README of 
my package here:

Basically, relative imports are broken if you like running scripts as 
executables, so the only real solution is modifying PYTHONPATH every time you 
switch projects, which is also not ideal.

Some people suggest adding various boilerplate to the beginning of every file 
to fix this, ranging from the crazy stuff in PEP 0366 to the slightly more sane 
path_to_root))), where path_to_root is some number of '../'s depending on the 
file's location. Neither can be used indiscriminately as a macro, which is 

Imsanity allows you to make imports usable (not ideal, but at least usable) for 
python projects without having to manage PYTHONPATHs or do whacky stuff like 
running files with python -m or put even whackier boilerplate at the top of 
every file. And all it requires is 'import imsanity' at the top of every file. 
You can put it in a macro or even just type it because it's short and easy to 

My question is: is this crazy? Please tell me there's a better way and I just 
wasted my time creating this package. There's nothing I'd like to hear more.

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