On Sun, Feb 7, 2016 at 1:47 PM,  <dimv...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Imsanity allows you to make imports usable (not ideal, but at least usable) 
> for python projects without having to manage PYTHONPATHs or do whacky stuff 
> like running files with python -m or put even whackier boilerplate at the top 
> of every file. And all it requires is 'import imsanity' at the top of every 
> file. You can put it in a macro or even just type it because it's short and 
> easy to remember.
> My question is: is this crazy? Please tell me there's a better way and I just 
> wasted my time creating this package. There's nothing I'd like to hear more.

Well, anything that makes you type "import imsanity" at the top of
every script MUST be crazy. :) I don't know about the actual
content/purpose though. Good luck with it!


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