You are correct. My health is at it's lowest ebb in many years. Quite
possibly I forgot that I'd deleted the post with the traceback instead
of sending it because I was overwhelmed with pain at the time, and with
the difficulties in doing even the smallest things.

However, in your opening quote of what I said, I still meant that "it"
meant Anaconda3 and/or Python 3.4.3 and/or pip itself. The attempt to
install Visual Studio 2015 occurred during my attempt to upgrade pip.
Which component of the installation exactly did it, I don't know, all I
know is that it happened and that's when it broke. I assumed you all
would know that installations of this type have many components, but
once again I underestimated you.

I suppose you can impale me for writing quickly, without spelling out
what each and every pronoun stands for. I didn't realize that the crime
I'm being burned at the stake for was/is impugning the mighty pip until
this evening. Sorry, but after I said that no one could say anything
more that would be useful (and I was right) I'd archived the thread
until someone revived it by addressed me personally. And that turned out
to be for my imaginary presence in a discussion I was ignoring. 

So good job. Are you proud of the mess you've made?

Oh, and I don't suppose anyone knows how to build recordclass from
source, which was my original question.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Python-list 
> [
> rg] On Behalf Of
> Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2017 5:06 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: How to install Python package from source on Windows
> On Tuesday, May 30, 2017 at 11:32:46 PM UTC+1, Deborah Swanson wrote:
> > I really don't get it how all of you have latched onto this 
> idea that 
> > I said pip tried to install Visual Studio. I said it 
> happened when I 
> > tried to upgrade pip, and I agreed with someone else who 
> wondered if 
> > it might have been Anaconda3 that did it.
> > 
> Quoting you Wed May 24 20:18:03 EDT 2017 "When I tried to 
> upgrade pip it failed because it could neither find nor 
> install Visual Studio 2015."  That is certainly strong enough 
> in my book for people to latch onto an idea.  I simply think 
> that you are mistaken, in just the same way that you've 
> admitted previously in this thread that you believe that 
> you've done something, but actually haven't.  I put that down 
> to your poor health, something with which I can sympathise, 
> as I suffer from a combination of anxiety, depression, 
> chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia, autism and, last and 
> thankfully least, diplopia.
> Kindest regards.
> Mark Lawrence.
> -- 


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