I haven't been following this thread all the way through, but I just 
noticed this and I thought I'd comment.

Deborah, my sympathies for your health issues, but I do have to point out 
you're in a technical community where people consider precision of 
language and accuracy important. If you fail to accurately communicate 
the problem, you waste both your and our time: we spend time trying to 
solve the wrong problem, and you don't get a solution.

Rather than getting defensive and playing the victim (you haven't been 
"impaled", or "burned at the stake", not even figuratively), can I 
suggest you accept the implied or actual (mild) criticism, correct the 
miscommunication ("Sorry, I didn't mean that it was pip that installed VS 
2015, only that it occurred during the pip upgrade...") and move on?

You would have a legitimate grievance had you make a genuine attempt to 
correct the miscommunication and get the conversation back on track, if 
others ignored that and continued nitpicking. But I don't think that is 
what happened.

And remember that you're in a community of volunteers. Nobody is paid to 
put up with obnoxious, passive-aggressive "clients" here. The customer is 
not always right here.

Referring to the issue of "was it pip or some other component of the 
upgrade process" (what other components are there?):

- you neglected to tell us something pertinent to the problem;
- you assumed that we'd somehow read between the lines and infer
  this information;
- we (by which I mean the subset of people responding to this thread)
  failed to do so;
- consequently the old saw "when you ASSUME, you make an ASS out 
  of U and ME" applies.

It was your assumption and your failure to communicate the nature of your 
problem in sufficient detail. Yes, some folk here are too literal minded 
and too focused on the small details to see the big picture, and maybe 
even unable to think outside the box, but making the passive-aggressive 
comment "once again I underestimated you" is *not helpful*.

At this rate, all the usual contributors here will have "kill-filed" you 
and you'll be left only with those who enjoy baiting you.

So how about we start fresh? Perhaps ask your question again, in a new 
thread? And please, tell us what "recordclass" is -- not everyone reading 
the new thread will have read the old thread.

And guys -- anyone else reading this -- let's not carry the aggro from 
this thread over into the new one, okay?


On Tue, 30 May 2017 21:42:34 -0700, Deborah Swanson wrote:

> You are correct. My health is at it's lowest ebb in many years. Quite
> possibly I forgot that I'd deleted the post with the traceback instead
> of sending it because I was overwhelmed with pain at the time, and with
> the difficulties in doing even the smallest things.
> However, in your opening quote of what I said, I still meant that "it"
> meant Anaconda3 and/or Python 3.4.3 and/or pip itself. The attempt to
> install Visual Studio 2015 occurred during my attempt to upgrade pip.
> Which component of the installation exactly did it, I don't know, all I
> know is that it happened and that's when it broke. I assumed you all
> would know that installations of this type have many components, but
> once again I underestimated you.
> I suppose you can impale me for writing quickly, without spelling out
> what each and every pronoun stands for. I didn't realize that the crime
> I'm being burned at the stake for was/is impugning the mighty pip until
> this evening. Sorry, but after I said that no one could say anything
> more that would be useful (and I was right) I'd archived the thread
> until someone revived it by addressed me personally. And that turned out
> to be for my imaginary presence in a discussion I was ignoring.
> So good job. Are you proud of the mess you've made?
> Oh, and I don't suppose anyone knows how to build recordclass from
> source, which was my original question.
> Deborah
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Python-list
>> [mailto:python-list-bounces+python=deborahswanson.net@python.o rg] On
>> Behalf Of breamore...@gmail.com Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2017 5:06 PM To:
>> python-list@python.org Subject: Re: How to install Python package from
>> source on Windows
>> On Tuesday, May 30, 2017 at 11:32:46 PM UTC+1, Deborah Swanson wrote:
>> > I really don't get it how all of you have latched onto this
>> idea that
>> > I said pip tried to install Visual Studio. I said it
>> happened when I
>> > tried to upgrade pip, and I agreed with someone else who
>> wondered if
>> > it might have been Anaconda3 that did it.
>> > 
>> > 
>> Quoting you Wed May 24 20:18:03 EDT 2017 "When I tried to upgrade pip
>> it failed because it could neither find nor install Visual Studio
>> 2015."  That is certainly strong enough in my book for people to latch
>> onto an idea.  I simply think that you are mistaken, in just the same
>> way that you've admitted previously in this thread that you believe
>> that you've done something, but actually haven't.  I put that down to
>> your poor health, something with which I can sympathise,
>> as I suffer from a combination of anxiety, depression,
>> chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia, autism and, last and thankfully
>> least, diplopia.
>> Kindest regards.
>> Mark Lawrence.
>> --
>> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list


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