On 2017-08-31 16:29, Tim Chase wrote:
On 2017-08-31 07:10, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
So I'd like to propose some additions to 3.7 or 3.8.

Adding my "yes, a case-insensitive equality-check would be useful"
with the following concerns:

I'd want to have an optional parameter to take locale into
consideration.  E.g.

   "i".case_insensitive_equals("I") # depends on Locale
   "i".case_insensitive_equals("I", Locale("TR")) == False
   "i".case_insensitive_equals("I", Locale("US")) == True

and other oddities like

   "ß".case_insensitive_equals("SS") == True

(though casefold() takes care of that later one).  Then you get
things like

   "III".case_insensitive_equals("\N{ROMAN NUMERAL THREE}")
   "iii".case_insensitive_equals("\N{ROMAN NUMERAL THREE}")
   "FI".case_insensitive_equals("\N{LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FI}")

where the decomposition might need to be considered.  There are just
a lot of odd edge-cases to consider when discussing fuzzy equality.

(1) Add a new string method,

This is my preferred avenue.

Alternatively: how about a === triple-equals operator to do the
same thing?

No.  A strong -1 for new operators.  This peeves me in other
languages (looking at you, PHP & JavaScript)

(2) Add keyword-only arguments to str.find and str.index:


    which does nothing if false (the default), and switches to a
case- insensitive search if true.

I'm okay with some means of conveying the insensitivity to
str.find/str.index but have no interest in list.find/list.index
growing similar functionality.  I'm meh on the "casefold=False"
syntax, especially in light of my hope it would take a locale for the

What would you expect the result would be for:

    "\N{LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FI}".case_insensitive_find("F")

    "\N{LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FI}".case_insensitive_find("I)

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