Marko Rauhamaa <> writes:

> Jon Ribbens <>:
> > It is my experience of this group/list that if one disagrees with any
> > of you, Steve and Chris, you all rally round and gang up on that
> > person to insult and belittle them. This makes the atmosphere quite
> > hostile, and it would be quite remarkable if it isn't hurting the
> > community by driving people away. Please stop doing it.
> This forum is about a dead thing, a programming language. I wouldn't
> make too big a deal about "the community."

On the contrary, this forum is about a *community of people*, formed
around a programming language.

The community is primary here, I am in full agreement with Jon on that.

 \                “Room service? Send up a larger room.” —Groucho Marx |
  `\                                                                   |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney


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