Ned Batchelder <> writes:

> On 11/8/17 10:18 PM, Ben Finney wrote:
> > What has been made clear to me is that we have a long way to go in
> > pursuit of allowing ideas to be held at arm's length, discussed and
> > criticised, with respect and compassion for one another.
> Indeed.  Beyond just respect and compassion, this discussion has
> mentioned "changing people's minds" a few times.  How's that going?

Impressively well, in my opinion. This is a forum that is worthy of its
reputation for respecting its participants by critically examining
problems and ideas, while resisting personal abuse.

That's valuable to me, which is why I am passionately defending that

 \          “The only tyrant I accept in this world is the still voice |
  `\                                      within.” —Mohandas K. Gandhi |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney


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