boB Stepp <> writes:

> Apparently he chose his article title as "click bait".  Apparently he
> does not really hate Python (So he says.).

Those may well be true. What I find implausible is his expressed desire:

    Ok, so “hate” is a strong word, but hopefully this click-baits
    enough folks into reading this article with a clearer, more rational
    and unbiased demeanor than what the title suggests. Without
    descending into hyperbole, what I hope to share with you are all […]

At this point, having deliberately chosen a hyperbolic headline, the
author is too late to avoid hyperbole, and too late to engender clear,
rational unbiased demeanour.

I despise the tendency to do all the things designed explicitly to push
our irrational buttons, and then attempt feebly to regain the moral high
ground by implying that the *reader* is responsible for any lack of
“clear, rational, unbiased demeanour”.

The author is not writing in good faith, and I do not expect that any
arguments found in it are honest either.

 \      “I find the whole business of religion profoundly interesting. |
  `\     But it does mystify me that otherwise intelligent people take |
_o__)                                    it seriously.” —Douglas Adams |
Ben Finney


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