On 17/02/2018 22:09, Chris Angelico wrote:
On Sun, Feb 18, 2018 at 8:50 AM, bartc <b...@freeuk.com> wrote:

That's a very interesting observation.

I've frequently made the complaint about systems that I consider large and
complex also leading to such issues, where no one individual can see the
whole picture.

For example, in the system used for building CPython from source.

But I guess what you're describing doesn't apply in such cases. Those 20K or
30K lines of configure scripts really /are/ necessary!

   18321 configure

The largest one here is "configure", but that's only in the repository
to remove a dependency. You can delete it and then run "autoconf" and
it'll be regenerated from configure.ac. With that removed, the largest
file is about 5K lines, and all these files put together make up only
16K lines. If you're reading 30,000 lines of configuration script,
you're basically reading object code.

Try looking inside it. It's not object code. It's a bash script that seems to doing a lot of pointless stuff. And why is it necessary if it's generated from the configure.ac; they could just supply that. Not that that seems to be doing anything less doing any less pointless.

 It's like calling dis.dis() on a
Python function and then complaining that it's long and unreadable.

Stop making unfair criticisms if you want people to take you seriously.

My point about systems so complex that you can't understand the whole thing still stands, and it applies to a lot of things I come across.

The CPython source is just a topical example. Do /you/ know for sure that there is no dead weight in there? Or do you just accept it because, after all, the thing works [for you], and it doesn't matter if it's bigger and slower than it needs to be.


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