I'm sorry. Maybe you  misunderstanded.
I know the great advanteges deriving by using interpretation too, I 
appreciate it very much (I'm newbie in Python and the interpeter really 
helps me out in many situations), but a 'pure' interpretated language needs 
obligatorily an interpreter and (sorry for repeating) this could be a 
problem for distribution (imho).
Py2exe is surely a good compromise but it is not comparable to an executable 
file compiled, for example, in C for obvious sizing reasons (I never used 
PyInstaller. I surely try it out as soon as possible, but I didn't think 
that the output package size is too much different than py2exe one).
For these reasons I think that an hibrid language that permits 
interpretation and compilation at the same time, should be a great 

best regards 


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