On 1/26/21 8:37 PM, C W wrote:
> I have a naive question. How do I use traceback or trace the stack? In
> particular, I'm using VS Code with Python interactive console.

Show us the traceback here and we can help you interpret it.  Copy and
paste it from the VS Code console.

> Say, I want to print the value of employee['name']. Can I do it? 

Yes I would think so.

> My understanding is that these classes are just "skeletons". I must
> create an instance, assign values, then test?

Can't you just do something like this?

class NEODatabase:
    def __init__(self, id, created_at, name, attend_date, distance):
        self._id = id
        self.created_at = created_at
        self.name = name
        self.attend_date = attend_date
        self.distance = distance

    def get_person(self, employee):
        print (employee['name'])

        return PERSONDatabase(employee['created_at'],


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