In regards to the various comments about adding in print() calls what I've 
found myself doing is to basically always use the logging module, and use 
logging.debug() for those.

Somewhere at the top of the script I'll have a line like...

DEBUG = False

...and when initializing the handler to stdout I'll do something like this...

toScreen = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
toScreen.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if DEBUG else logging.INFO)

That way I can sprinkle in

logging.debug("Some message here")

in various spots. If things are going wrong I can change DEBUG to True to see 
them on screen, and when I've fixed it I can just set DEBUG back to False. That 
way I don't have to try finding all those print() statements that were only 
there for debugging and comment them out or remove them.

As a bonus, if you also set a file logger for example with its level set to 
logging.DEBUG, then you can have those go into the log file without them 
cluttering the screen output.

As a side effect to using logging I found I also like having the timestamp 
automatically prepended to my output by the logger. I'd find myself checking in 
on something I left running in the background and thinking it's been on that 
step for "a while", but I have no idea how long "a while" really is. So the 
timestamps help quickly show "been stuck there for 3 hours" vs "just got to 
that step 3 seconds before I switched to its window"

I don't claim these are the best practices :) But figured I'd offer another 
take on it.

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