On 2021-09-26, Grant Edwards <grant.b.edwa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> 2 Every message from the OP in this 'thread' (not others) has broken the
>> thread, which indicates a wider problem/change.
> And I apologize for that.  It's because I'm reading the list using an
> NNTP client (slrn) connected to an NNTP server at gmane.io and then
> posting via e-mail. Doing that doesn't include the correct References
> header.  Posting via gmane stopped working a few days ago (after
> having worked for 20 years). I'm working on a solution so that slrn
> can read using NNTP and post using email (including the proper
> headers), but it's going to take a few days.

It was easier than I thought. It only took about a half hour to write
my own 'inews' utility that I can tell slrn to use for posting
articles. It looks at the article and decides based on the destination
whether to use NNTP or SMTP to send it (and then sends it using the
appropriate protocol).

It's a total of 50 lines of Python (including logging stuff to

This is my first "real" post using it, so hopefully this shows up with
proper headers.


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