On 9/26/21 20:38, Grant Edwards wrote:
On 2021-09-26, Ethan Furman <et...@stoneleaf.us> wrote:
On 9/26/21 10:34 AM, Grant Edwards wrote:
On 2021-09-26, Ethan Furman <et...@stoneleaf.us> wrote:

I am unaware of a change in the newsgroup <--> mailing list policy,
and other newsgroup posts were coming through last week (it's been a
light weekend).

We're not talking about the usenet<-->list gateway.

My first _guess_ would be that Mailman started refusing emailed posts
from the gmane server to python-list, and that triggered the gmane server
to stop accepting posts for python-list.

I readily admit I may not understand, or know, all the usenet

Once again, there is no Usenet involved. Gmane.io is an NNTP server,
and NNTP is _also_ used by Usenet servers, but Gmane isn't part of
Usenet and doesn't implement any of the Usenet peering "news"

but looking at the Mailman server for Python list I see it is still
fully configured to talk with News.FU-Berlin.DE, newsgroup

This has nothing to do with Usenet servers or their connections to

From the list's POV, gmane.io is a "normal" email subscriber who just
happens to archive all the articles it receives. I should never have
mentioned that gmane.io does NNTP -- it just seems to have confused

When a gmane.io user submits a post, the post arrives at python-list
by normal email channels having been sent via SMTP by the gmane.io
server "From:" the user (who, IIRC, has to be subscribed to the list).

I have been in touch with the administrator of gmane. It appears that posting from python-list to gmane has been deliberately disabled, at least temporarily, with cause. I'll see if we can resolve the problem.


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