On 12/19/22 13:34, j via Python-list wrote:
I was unclear. I use the full path to the folder with the unzipped python-embedded. I shouldn't have said 'set'.

I have complained on here before about broken installs but got indifference. An installer should install stuff correctly (leaving a working environment). If it won't then give clear instructions on how to install manually then let us do it. A broken installer is like a road that just runs out.

Dismissals about 'lazy people' (for example) aren't helpful if you are trying to get some actual work done.


I don't think there was an intent to be dismissive, just to point out that this list, and the tutor list, and other places *do* get questions from people who haven't tried very much, and don't tell their readers what they've tried, jrather ust go "it's broken, please fix it for me". You can call that lazy or not (I personally would not throw out that term); it does happen.

The Python installer has a few specific people working on it, most of us here aren't in a position to make changes to it - complaining here can get sympathy, or not, but probably not action. It does seem to work out for a lot of people, so it's always a bit of a surprise when it doesn't. I'd say you ought to file an issue on it if it's broken for you - not to say you haven't tried that already.


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