On Tue, 20 Dec 2022 at 09:12, Thomas Passin <li...@tompassin.net> wrote:
> FWIW, I once set up a Python installation so that it could run from a
> USB stick (Windows only).  My launcher was a batch file that contained
> the following:
> @echo off
> setlocal
> : Find effective drive for this file.
> set ed=%~d0
> path %ed%\python37\Scripts;%ed%\python37;%PATH%
> set PYTHONUSERBASE=%ed%\user\python
> set HOME=%ed%\user\python
> call python %*
> endlocal

So much easier to do on a Unix-like system, where you don't need to
concern yourself with "effective drive" and can simply use relative
paths. I know we're not here to bash Windows, but... drive letters
really need to just die already.


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